Overall I am super happy with this change, especially the VRAM change as that has been my machine’s #1 killer. My previous technique of limiting this was to enforce a low download size (hoping that the download size corresponded well enough to the size of the textures in the avatar), and in general this helped a lotta bit.
I would very much enjoy the option to hide avatars based on VRAM cost. I hope this is a possibility that gets investigated… Additionally, are there plans to implement something like a constraint limit, kind of like how there was a dynamic bone limit in the past before physbones came around? I think that would be useful for those who wish to more strictly enforce limits on their machines.
Holy moly this is awesome! Hell yes
I’m just about certain it’s avatar VRAM usage that keeps causing me to hitch and crash during otherwise smooth-running populated events - this will be a lifesaver.
This may be a bit niche, but will there be a setting or a way to filter avatars explicitly based on their VRAM usage (Texture Memory)? There’s a lot of poor/very poor avatars I’d love to see which otherwise be fine – but the ones that have >200mb VRAM usage (Texture Memory) or so I’d love to filter out just like how I only render up to 10-15 avatars at once, or no avatars past 25m distance.
There is a canny for this!. I highly encourage upvoting on canny because that is where VRChat actually seees and acts on feedback.
There is also one I made for streaming mipmaps (which allows for better dynamic loading of different resolution textures) as well as removing unused blendshapes (meshes are loaded into VRAM so they can be drawn).
For example, a friend of mine has 120 MB of Texture Memory, but their total usage is 250 MB due to the insane amount of blendshapes on their body and some clothes.