Oh man how long until it’s available for everyone because me being a quest user I don’t think live beta is available for me.
Are we gonna get any news about the new main menu soon? The old one kind of keeps lagging out in comparison to the rest of the things
The beta changes to quick menu audio settings are somewhat of a downgrade. You can not turn the volume up as loud as you can on live. If you open the normal full menu you can raise the volume higher than you can through the quick menu; but after you do that, if you open the quick menu the sound level is lowered down to the QM max.
QM max audio levels should be the same as live and should be the same as full menu.
Once nice thing about longer delay between these dev posts is that is now possible to take more time to respond to other comments.
Kd7 mentioned a bunch of stuff about avatar search. Specifically a concern for a moderated search
Plus the team would get constantly bombarded with “I can’t find this avatar even though I know it exists!!”.
Personally I see a search system not covering everything is a good thing, still keeps reason to browse avatar worlds.
That’s a fair point however, it would still make it easier for those who are content creators to find specific avatars for their content, all in all i think it would actually benefit alot of people.
This new beta is so awesome! absolutely love the new handling of the mirror now, it’s so perfect for me. Also such great other features!
Wish the avatar limits on quest werent so harsh- i just baught an avi and it has too many bones in the hair alone for quest- yet with all the new updates, i can only imagne that quest can handle more physbone components and a few more mbs for uploads. It would make it way easier and more fun to create avatars for quest!
I feel it might be helpful to share some feed back about Immersive Move for Personal Mirror in current live beta.
The following if implemented would improve that method of movement by a lot:
When immersive move is on…
Preventing the hand which has radial wheel menu open from moving the mirror.
Prevent mirror movement when main menu is open.
Default or option for mirror to be movable only when a quick menu is open.
Mirror also movable trough walls when quick menu is open with immersive move.
Option for borders to glow and render trough walls.
Mirror auto-hide and auto-unhide for performance if player moves away from or returns to world positioned mirror that is left on (range configurable)
P.S: What ever happened to that one feature a mod allowed… where you can lock your leg rotation/position despite avi not having a built-in feature?
I don’t see anyone discussing that one. I think that would be pretty useful for when sitting/laying down.
But for me personally it was very useful because it prevented that weird object drift when you move your head while drawing with a pen.
I think they need to be very conservative with raising quest limits, I suspect that a large amount of the community wouldn’t accept any reduction in limits in the event that limits were raised too far.
I think in general creators are still getting used to quest having physbones, was previously zero on quest…
I’m on pcvr with older GPU so I would like an option to see avatars that fit within quest limits. That would require big SDK change, so that when quest is compiled it also compiled a version for x86 is done as well.
New post is up! Developer Update - 16 August 2022