I don’t know if it is still setup this way, but excessive horror was supposed to be blocked for anyone underage, so would this later update mean more intense horror worlds wouldn’t be available unless you verify your age?
Replying here as I don’t think this requires a FAQ question – Excessive Horror was removed from underaged automatic gating a week or two after initial launch.
In the past, when the age restrictions re: content tagging were announced, there was some confusion amongst users who had provided incorrect birthdays during VRChat signup. I understand they’re not supposed to, but regardless of the reason, privacy concerns, mistake, whatever, the reality is there is a non-zero number of people who have done this.
How would this affect age verification, since there would be a discrepancy between the two numbers? VRChat currently does not allow users to update their birthday after initial signup. Since someone doing age verification would be using their legal ID, could this supersede whatever was entered into VRC itself?
What’s the difference between the Age Verified and Verified 18+ badges shown in the video? Are they just two different styles but functionally the same?
FAQ edited and reflected in the changelog.
- Modified language in the answer for “Who holds my data and what do they do with it?” regarding how VRChat uses your birth date.
I do not understand how you will be able to enforce one government issued ID per account unless you are tracking what ID’s are being used on what account. If you are somehow tracking this information, it is not as private as you claim. If I am truly entitled to have persona destroy the information provided while maintaining 18+ verification, then all I need to do is initiate a separate verification process on a different account after persona destroys the information I provided for verifying the earlier account.
These two statements conflict:
What specific data do we have control over?
Would VRChat be willing to share list of countries supported? I notice that there isn’t a proper list online, and I find that intriguing. Maybe against Persona TOS?
There is literally no reason to keep data for this. Once Persona tells you someone is an adult, you mark it on your DB with a “true”, and everything else can be deleted. People don’t get younger as time passes, that is not how nature works. This smells like control and keeping tabs on people.
The fact that you are enforcing 1 account per official ID speaks more to this. You are not just validating that one is an adult. You are keeping track specifically of who is who.
So if I understand this correctly, we can verify multiple accounts by:
- Verify an account
- Delete personal data from Persona
- Verify a second account
- Delete personal data from Persona
- etc…
I can already see fraudulent people selling their services to bypass the age verification system.
When is this happening? From what I can tell in the video, is that only a limited number groups created in VRChat have access to this age verification system, but when are they going to have it?
Will there be support for creators of both avatars and worlds to be able to require age verification in order to access things like certain public avatars, parts of worlds, and some whole worlds, on top of restricting people who join instances and groups to age verification required?
I ask as I would like to be able to set things like in world toggles, or even whole rooms, to require age verification so that adults can do adult things without worry that a minor could see and join in.
What happens if you lose access to your account and are unable to recover it e.g. due to loss of your email or authenticator? Will you never be able to verify on another account?
What happens if you’re persistently stalked or harassed and need to create a new account because VRC admins are unwilling or unable to effectively deal with it?
What data NEEDS to be stored with Persona for your VRC account to retain its age verification and allow Persona to determine if an ID has already been used? Companies which process and especially retain identity data are a huge target for theft, and you have contradictory statements and errors in the information we’ve been given already.
I live in one of the smaller country in EU and I’m afraid that Persona will not suport my country’s government ID. Will there be a way to verify my age manually or with a person from Persona, incase I live in a county that’s not fully supported by Persona?
Also a list of countries that are supported and not yet supported would be nice.
What about users who use clients? I know in the past before EAC clients allowed users to have “fake” VRChat plus. Not sure if they still do now, but what happens if users use clients to “fake” the ID badge on their account? Or use a bypass that lets them join 18+ verified worlds with out it. World force joiners also used to exist, even if the world was full. Since you guys are adding an option for users to hide their status, we wouldn’t be able to tell if they are legit or not. How would you go about that situation?
When do the age verification come out like what day
With content gating getting possibly restricted with this in the future, a lot of creators take it like they do when say “article 13” came out where its a little too vuage on what counts as what. Are you planning on perhaps providing a more in-depth thing with examples of what does and doesn’t count under the content gate tags? Sort of like how art fight depicts each category showing a variety of examples in different styles so there isn’t much confusion on what does and doesn’t count as that. Especially for the “mature” and “gore/horror” tags, sometimes it may be unclear what crosses the line to people that deal with it a lot, and those that are sensitive to it think it crosses the line a lot sooner.
On the same note as with the issues that came up on the content gating, is horror going to be limited to 18+, or not? It causes a lot of issues for those that like horror games, even those 16+ cant see them back then (allong with the issues of before of people not knowing where to draw the line so anything that had even a speck of blood would be concidered “horror gore” even if it were a normal halloween or character based avatar.
Lastly on the same topic; with content gating getting supported with the age verification in the future, will there be any punishments / preventions agenised people not labelling their content out of not wanting people to be blocked from seeing it. of course a ban and such would be unfair in a lot of cases of already uploaded things, but a report system for reporting an avatar for not having the appropriate tags would be good. Especially useful for older avatars where the creators don’t use the game anymore so would never be set by the creator. And a notification to said creator if the avatar’s tag has been changed to let them know. Or will it be a little stricter than that especially with newly uploaded things to get people to care more? A lot of these issues mentioned I’m mainly referring to the “sexual/mature” content tag that will definitely be 18+ and needing the age verification when they do get used.
In what cases exactly does Persona request a selfie?
Quick question, Is there any way to do a manual rather than automated check through Persona in the case that you’re trans and peronas automated checker doesn’t register that the ID matches you after HRT etc.
Espcially as the US is making it harder for people to get gender affirming updated IDs
Will photo IDs be shared with third parties beyond Persona? Can the system be setup to automatically delete photo IDs after a short period (ie 5 business days)?
I have no issue with Name, Address, Date pf Birth, and Phone Number retention as these identifiers are typically publicly available in the USA (ie property records, freedom of information requests, voter/car registration records, etc). The actual picture of the photo ID and its accompanying ID number are extremely sensitive and can do real world harm if mismanaged.
Will you be required in future to verify just to see your friends avatars if they are marked with such tags? I don’t want to provide my data to random corpo, I don’t care about any 18+ events, but a lot of people do mark their avatars with content tags, so does that mean I will be forced to give out my data in future to continue seeing them?